Join LERN today and take your program to the next level. Your membership is NO-RISK. We guarantee you will generate at least 10 times your membership fee in increased income or reduced costs if you take advantage of your benefits—or your money back!
- New! LERN Wellness Check Tool
- FREE Consulting one-on-one with LERN experts
- 24/7 Consulting suite Access on LERN’s website
A peek at some of the LERN Club member benefits…
- Annual Brochure Critique
- Annual Website Critique
- Event Analysis
- Pricing Analysis
- Discounts on LERN Events & Publications
- Eligibility for LERN International Awards
- Eligibility for LERN Leadership privileges
- Monthly E-LERN online newsletter
- Networking Bulletin Board-on LERN’s website & in our magazines
- Discuss with LERN Members
- Access to the LERN software suite
- And more!