LERN Club Articles
LERN International Award Winners: Brochures
Getting your Brochures in the Right Hands
With the print brochure roaring back in the last year, attention is now turning to getting your brochure in the right hands. From the big LERN conference in Baltimore the abundance of terrific print brochures from successful programs is clear evidence that your print brochure is still the primary way to generate registrations, producing a whopping 70% of your registrations.
Top 8 Digital Marketing Tips of the Year
From the big LERN annual conference, here’s Susan Hurrell’s top 8 new best digital marketing tips of the year.
The big thing, I think, is embracing the marketing culture shift that is happening with the rise of the “Everything Platform” – This quote from Ryan Holmes, CEO of Hootsuite, talks about a new concept of “everything platforms”:
Value Creation Top Issues for Programs
One of the top issues cited by lifelong learning program administrators continues to be the need for strategies to demonstrate their value both internally within in their institution, and externally within their local and/or national/international communities.
#LERN16: The Best Tips, Tweets and Photos from the 2016 LERN Annual Conference
A recap of the most exciting week of the year in lifelong learning.
Top 3 Ways to Reduce Cancellation Rates
“Do you have any tips for maintaining a low cancellation rate?” asks LERN member Sylvia. This is one of the most common LERN member technical assistance questions, and one of the more important ones.
Reduce Loser Classes
Here are ways successful lifelong learning programs reduce their underperforming classes and thus lower cancellation rates.
Analyzing Class Cancellations
Two of the biggest and most successful strategies in reducing your cancellation rates are: 1. Make the right cancellation decisions. 2. Do more analysis of your courses by Division. Let’s take a look at both. Cancel based on money, not registrations Too many programs cancel courses based on a one-size fits all registration requirement, such
Cancellation Rates: Offer Options
Instead of just cancelling a course and losing a customer, think about offering options to your participants.
Brochure Gallery: Community Colleges & Universities
Brochure ideas and inspiration from LERN’s Community College and University Members.
Brochure Gallery: Community Education & Public Schools
Brochure ideas and inspiration from LERN’s Community Education & Public School Members.
Brochure Gallery: Recreation
Brochure ideas and inspiration from LERN’s Recreation members.
Brochure Inspiration Gallery: Public Schools and Community Ed
Perpetual Shopping Carts
Does your program use a perpetual shopping cart as part of it’s online registration process? It should. A perpetual shopping cart is one that follows the customer as the customer surfs your site. It’s done when your website puts a cookie on the user’s computer. If the customer leaves the site without finalizing the registration,
Google Analytics and Information Overload
Google Analytics can send you into information overload with all the data it provides. Hopefully, these tips will help you better navigate the statistics Google Analytics generates from your website. In terms of benchmarks like “How many hits should my site get,” it varies from market-to-market. Instead, you should start with your baseline data and