Lifelong Learning Program Assessment Tool: How Does Your Program Measure Up?

Winning lifelong learning programs evaluate their performance yearly and work on improving areas of weakness. LERN’s Lifelong Learning Program Assessment Tool covers key lifelong learning areas such as finances, marketing, data, and much more.

You should answer each of the following questions. Yes means you meet or surpass the benchmark or perform the noted task. Partial means you do not meet the benchmark or are fully performing the task, but efforts are being made. No means you do not meet the benchmark or perform the noted task. Unknown means you do not know if your program meets the benchmark or performs the noted task.

If you are unclear about the questions being asked, hover over theCapture for additional information.

LERN’s Lifelong Learning Program Assessment Tool totals your score and allows you to compare your score to LERN’s rating.

If your lifelong learning program does contract sales, sometimes called contract or customized training, there is an additional section to fill out.