“AI is the wild west,” summarized Danessa Gray of Bremerton, Washington. Most professionals agreed with that statement. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has clearly arrived for the field of lifelong learning programming and continuing education.
But there are divergent experiences and perspectives on its value. AI was the surprise hit topic for discussion at the big LERN Annual Conference. In addition to two sessions by experts on the topic, discussion spilled over into other sessions.
From the dialogue of one discussion:
Issa Boulos: I have been using AI, but I strongly recommend that you use it as an aid, not as a principal writer of a course description or video.
John Delozier: I love to tweak my own writing using AI just to see possible alternatives.
Morgan Pasquier: Like using chat GPT to see if I’ve missed any points or left holes in an argument.
Sue Mulvey: Would love to find ways to use ChatGPT to help contract trainer instructors up their game and freshen their offerings!
Debi Rice: We are just trying to figure out what job titles will be generated for AI . Plus, where to go for expert training and how to skill-up?
Danessa Gray: AI is the wild west- there are issues with AI Art seeing some collapse due to referencing its own work and the development of ‘ai poison’.