The Wellness Crisis in society has opened up a new opportunity for lifelong learning programs. Employers and managers in the workplace are now acutely aware of the issue, and the impact wellness has on employee productivity and workforce satisfaction. Companies and work organizations are now eager for wellness activities for their people, and are looking for ways to promote wellness.
Enter – – you: recreation departments, community education in public schools, community colleges and university continuing education and lifelong learning programs in other settings.
Members in last month’s Virtual Gatherings from all settings reported an increased interest and registrations in wellness offerings.
Keep in mind: All avocational classes and events are wellness classes for people today. Avocational classes lower stress and anxiety, and offer a pastime to help improve a person’s feeling of well being. As LERN’s Julie Coates says, “Every class is a wellness class.”
Three opportunities are emerging with LERN programs:
1.Group discounts for business and organizations.
Promote your classes to business and add the incentive of group discounts.
2.Customized training at the site.
Take a class or program to the workplace site. Also look to do customized training for an employer’s managers.
3.Establish a relationship.
Offer to establish a longer term relationship with a specific business or organization to deliver programs or services over a longer term.
If you do contract training, wellness in the workplace is one of two Big growth areas right now and will be discussed at the upcoming Contract Training Conference, June 11-13, 2024.
Click on “Events & Education” off the LERN Home Page for details.