Now your online students and their employers can find out “where they stand” after taking a certificate from UGotClass.
UGotClass jumps out ahead of the for-profit competition even more with this new educational service to add to its superior quality classes.
In the new economy, employers and employees alike are interested in skill and knowledge outcomes as they upskill the workforce.
The ‘Class Rank’ service tells students where they rank compared to others who completed a particular certificate over the last 12 months.
“Employers want to know how their people did. Employees also want to know how well they did,” says Brendan Marsello, LERN Vice President, who heads up UGotClass.
Students will be able to find out if they are in the Upper 10%, Upper Quartile, Upper Half, or even Top 10 Students in the past year. The exact ranking, such as 16th or 34th, will also be made available to the student. Class rank service will be made available for a small fee. It is anticipated that it will be included for free for employers registering a group of employees.
For more information, email William Draves at [email protected].