Recent LERN surveys confirm that 90 percent of members use social media to help promote their programs. Marketing research also confirms that while it is a good supplement for other marketing approaches, social media typically generates fewer responses or enrollments than email.
A key for both social media and emails is to create content that people like to read. Another LERN survey received comments such as the following, “I love the personal stories.” Telling stories about your participants and their experiences is a powerful strategy for increasing readership of your blogs or your Facebook posts.
Another tip is this: people like their 15 minutes of fame. By focusing on your participants and their experiences, you can significantly broaden your audience. With print media, people who are featured show the brochure to all their friends and family. Online, the featured information can be sent to dozens more people, and this can help your information go viral.
North Seattle College provides some excellent examples of how to write compelling blog and social media copy. Check it out here.