New UGotClass Partner Heather Smart, left, with the City of Irvine, California, meets individually with UGotClass Customer Service Manager Leslie Kowalczyk at the big LERN conference.
The new administrative software allows Partners to see:
1. Student progress.
Partners can now see the progress of their students, including the last log in, how many Unit quizzes the student has passed, and the number of comments being posted in the online course Discussion. The software also shows whether the student has “completed” or passed the course or certificate for purposes of awarding a certificate or transcript.
2. Students not participating.
Useful at the start of the course, Partners can now see if any of their students have not logged into the course and then double-team with the UGotClass staff to encourage those few students to log in and start participating in the course.
Using the last log-in, Discussion and Quiz records, Partners will now also be able to track any students who fall behind in the course and encourage them to get back on track.
3. Finances.
Partners can now see the finances for UGotClass for their program. They can see individual student payment records, as well as totals for income generated. They can also see what is owed to UGotClass, or what is owed by UGotClass to them.
4. Exclusive Student ‘Ownership’ Built In.
One of our popular policies is that the first program to register a person with UGotClass keeps “ownership” of that customer, protecting the program from having any of their students stolen. The new administrative software builds in that protection. If another Partner tries to register a student whose identifying email is already in the system from another Partner, the system will not allow another Partner to register that person.
5. Coming soon: You register your people.
Now in beta testing is another feature that allows any Partner the option to input their own registrations into the UGotClass system. Right now, this will be an option, not mandated, for Partners. Currently Partners email their registrations to UGotClass, and that will remain an option.
We provide individual assistance for any organization that is a Partner, or wants to become a Partner. If you want to increase your registrations with UGotClass, just email Zech at [email protected]