The back cover of a brochure is often overlooked and its importance minimized, when the same effort should be put into its development as the
Make it Visual:
Just like the front cover, large, dramatic images will help draw readers in and get their attention. Using too many small images can make the back cover feel jumbled and unorganized. Use large, high quality images to catch the reader’s eye and peak their interest to want to know more.
Highlight Specific Events:
The back cover can be a very effective place to highlight specific classes, programs or events. Due to the high visibility of this page, consider highlighting events that have high enrollment potential and mass appeal. New and seasonally relevant classes also work well. Include page numbers with the events to drive interested readers right to that section of the brochure.
Use Testimonials:
Testimonials can really help students, especially new ones, feel comfortable trying a class or program. Knowing that other people have had a good experience with the class can take some of the anxiety out of trying something new. We find testimonials about specific classes are more effective than general program testimonials. Remember to ask the participant if you can use their name!
Branding is Important:
You want the brand and feel of your brochure to be consistent on both the front and back covers. Use the same color scheme and layout techniques to maintain this look and feel. Make sure your program name and logo are visible on both covers.
Use a Benefit Statement:
Using benefit statements is another way to make the back cover a better marketing page. People are always looking for things that will be
helpful or valuable to them, and benefit statements can motivate them to look inside the brochure for specifics. Let the reader know why they should be taking classes with you and how it will benefit them.
Overlooking the back cover of a brochure is a big mistake that can be easily avoided. Make sure you take advantage of the colors and high quality paper used for the back cover and produce something eye catching that will entice the reader to want to know more.